Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We're in a Crisis...

A hair crisis, apparently. Well, men are at least.

Bartle Bogle Hegarty recently came out with a campaign launch for Axe hair products. I typically like BBH's style and the creative they come up with, but there's something about this campaign - at least the videos I've seen from it so far - that just... bothers me.

Now clearly, I'm not the target audience, but as an advertising student, I can still appreciate ads that aren't meant for me.

On a positive note - BBH does do a great job at implementing various media into their campaign with a music video, TV ads (which also runs online - was where I first saw them), a downloadable ring tone, etc; and at illustrating the problem that their target market has. Nonetheless, the commercials [I've seen] are corny and lack the stereotypical sexiness and humor that other Axe ads portray.

The ads focus too much on the women and their "mission" as opposed to the product and it's effects (in other Axe ads, we see the product - and get that it'll bring women to you. In this, the women are coming to the men).

Maybe they're trying to take their ads "out of the box," but in my opinion and from a creative standpoint, it just doesn't work. But, who knows. With the commercial success and product sales, I could be proven wrong.

Here's the music video, if you so choose to torture yourself:

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