Wednesday, December 24, 2008


"Photography is a journey. How will you remember the trip?"
Photography is not only about making memories, but it's also an art form. I think this ad conveys that perfectly.

This is an ad done by GREYnyc, directed by Andrew Douglas.
"Inspired by Canon."

I was sitting at a sports bar, and this ad came on during a football game [not to my surprise, the majority of the ad entails a football]. My conversation with my friends came to a pause as my attention was immediately caught by this ad. It's beautiful! The music is inspiring, and the snapshots creating the moving picture is genius. I instantly knew it was an ad for either a camera or a printer of some sort and I couldn't wait to see what product the commercial was advertising. After the ad was over, I said to my friends, "Wow. That was really awesome!" They looked at me like I was some kind of freak.

It's amazing how much MORE attention I pay now to different commericals and advertisements. Funny what being an ad major does to you.

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