Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Wow... It's been WAY too long since my last post.

My excuse: I'm taking 18 units this semester. But with the classes I'm taking, I'll hopefully come out with some great stuff for my portfolio when I finally dig my way through this mountain of school work.

Ok... bringin' it back into focus...

Recently, in my consumer advertising class, we had to draw up a story board for one of our favorite TV commercials (meaning we had to figure out what some of our favorites were).

The one I chose was the "Like" Volkswagen ad done by Crispin Porter + Bogusky in 2006.

Not only was I emotionally AND physically impacted by the ending of the ad (which still scares the shit out of me), but it also triggered my memories. I was in a pretty bad accident a couple of years ago and I fractured my back and neck in four different places. It was pretty rough for a few months, but I'm okay now. I remember looking at Jetta's when I began my search for a new, safe car. I still want a Jetta! Unfortunately, I can't afford one right now.

Anywho... This isn't a personal blog and the point I'm trying to get to...

The impact of advertising. Besides the fact that I'm an advertising major, and I already feel like I eat and sleep advertising... Now I'm dreaming of it. Yes. I had a dream about this ad.

Sure, I've learned about the impact and influence of advertising, and I'm still learning. But for some crazy reason, this dream made me really realize the strong influence of advertising, on the conscious and unconscious mind.

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